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Seryn Ennor
Seryn Ennor
Society of the Friends of Middle-earth
Society of the Friends of Middle-earth
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Who are we?

Midgard was the name the Germanic and Nordic peoples gave to our world, or Miðgarðr, Middilgard or Mittilagart ... all of which mean Middle-earth. Why Middle-earth? Middle-earth war a land mass surrounded by seas and sea monsters. Middle-earth was the known and explored part of the world. Middle-earth was our world.

It was thus no accident that Professor JRR Tolkien decided to call his imaginary world Middle-earth. His Middle-earth was indeed our world, as he himself was to confirm. He drew inspiration for his world from the ancient sources that he was familiar with as a mediaevalist and philologist. Into this world he introduced his own stories and languages … and his readers.

But Middle-earth was not just our world of long ago. Middle-earth is alive today. Since his earliest books were published, Tolkien fans have been inspired by his works and sought to live Middle-earth here and now.

Seryn Ennor was founded in 2014 as a society for Tolkien fans in Switzerland, in neighboring countries and those feeling connected to us from across the world. We seek to organize events across Switzerland, but our epicenter is based around the Greisinger Museum in Jenins, Graubünden .....